
Purpose of Angels-Aliens

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This site involves all the things we struggle to comprehend. From what happens at death, to biblical giants, to evidence for God, and most things in between, I cover it all. The goal is truth: plain and simple.

Will you join me in following the truth, wherever it may lead?

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The Truth Seeker Will be Saved

I have long pondered and written about the topic of salvation, as it is something that has stoked my curiosity throughout my entire Christian walk.

And why not?

At the end of the day, there is nothing in heaven or earth more important than knowing God and understanding where (and how) we will spend eternity. So many questions come to mind.

Who will be saved in the end?

What part do we play in salvation?

What is the real connection between faith and works?

I know all too well that many have embraced the idea that we have little (or even nothing) to do with our own salvation. I have stated—and will always continue to state—that this is a heresy arising from the very depths of hell. In essence, such a view is the equivalent of saying that obedience has no bearing on salvation.

Put another way, what we do is entirely irrelevant.

I have covered this extensively in multiple publications, and this article discusses the pivotal connection between faith and works. Here, I want to go about addressing the issue of salvation in an entirely different way, by examining it through another lens.

In this article, I wish to frame this issue more positively and push each of us to really evaluate our role in salvation.


Laying the Groundwork

Let’s start with something we should all be able to agree upon: we all have different starting and ending points in our faith journey.

That is, we all come from diverse backgrounds. We all have varying skills and abilities. Everyone on earth has a different mental capacity and unique critical thinking skills. For these reasons, everyone is going to have a different level of understanding that can be reached. Some will end up way down the path of knowledge, while others are capped at a place much farther back.

This issue goes even deeper, stretching into human intent.

I, for example, hold several views that are in opposition to what most self-professed Christians teach and believe. To name a few:

  • I believe that both God and the angels have bodies.
  • I believe that life ceases at death—that is, that “death” truly is the absence of life—and that the resurrection marks the time when all the dead will be brought back to life. (i.e. we don’t die and go to heaven. See my book on this)
  • I believe that the current nation of Israel is a counterfeit, and that the NT authors clearly redefined “Israel” as all who follow Christ and place themselves under new the covenant that he both instituted and presides over.

I could go on, but this is only meant to prove a point.

I arrived at these conclusions based on an in-depth study of Scripture, reading and/or listening to other thinkers, and weighing out the logical considerations.

Here’s the thing: others can follow the same steps and come to entirely different conclusions.

Well intentioned, thoughtful people can research the same biblical concepts—with an open mind—and simply differ with my beliefs. Now, people typically disagree on doctrine because one of the two (or both) didn’t pursue the topic in a comprehensive and honest way. However, disagreements still happen at times even when they do.

One more wrinkle that must be considered is that Scripture testifies that most people will not be saved. Jesus stated this plainly:

Jesus even addressed this concerning the many who will believe they are following him, but were indeed never part of his Kingdom:

This, friends, explains how some can be involved within the church throughout their entire lives and never know the Lord. Whatever works, effort, and involvement they displayed is rendered useless in the end.

But how can that be?


A Cloud of Confusion

Let’s be clear about what has been said to this point. Two things about salvation need to be understood within this article, so let me plainly summarize them here:

  1. All people will be judged differently, based on their personal abilities and their capacity to understand reality.  
  2. Most people will not be saved, even many who claim to be believers.

Keep these two points in mind as we continue.

Now, all this might lead us to think that salvation is a far more difficult matter to contend with than previously thought. Rather than clearing anything up, it may feel like I have simply created a larger and more ominous cloud of confusion!

If the story ended here, then that would no doubt be true. Thankfully, it does not.

Indeed, there is a way to cut through all this and point to what is truly imperative in the process—yes, the process—of salvation.


The Truth Seeker Will be Saved

When you get to the heart of the matter—fully understanding that human beings do have a part to play in their own salvation—Scripture and logic meet to point the way forward.

At the end of the day, there is only one thing that can make sense of how people who vary so dramatically regarding background, ability, intelligence, life circumstances, era, and so much more, can all be equally (and fairly) judged. Likewise, only one thing accounts for why so many can profess Jesus as Lord but still be condemned at the end.

It all comes down to this:

The pursuit and acceptance of the truth.

Please note that, within this one explanation, there are two parts. The first part is about the pursuit of truth. That is, are we genuinely seeking to understand reality, particularly as it pertains to our faith? Do we vigorously study Scripture, investigating how it relates to the world around us? Are we frequently in prayer and spiritual contemplation? Are we searching for the truth?

Are we trying—to the best of our ability—to understand the truth in all aspects of life?

The second part of this is equally important but is dependent upon the first. Are we willing to accept the truth when it is revealed to us? Are we able to change our views if it’s discovered that we are in error, or are we too proud to do so? Do we care more about what we already believe than what is true? (Read that last question again)

Are we trying—to the best of our ability—to embrace and apply the truth in our lives?

Truth, friends. Pursue and accept the TRUTH!

This is why Jesus literally called himself “the truth” in John 14:6:

Embracing Jesus is to accept the plainest representation of truth ever divulged to humanity. Alternatively, to deny him is to reject the plainest representation of truth ever divulged to humanity. Not surprisingly, Satan is alternatively called the “father of lies” (Jn. 8:44). That is, he is the opposite of the truth: the opposite of Christ!

Along these lines, do you recall what Jesus called the Holy Spirit?

Yes, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.

Elsewhere, Scripture repeatedly speaks about our acceptance of the truth as the pivotal issue at stake. In talking about the last days and the coming of the “lawless one,” Paul said this concerning those who will be condemned:

In 2 Timothy 4:3-4, we read this about the world as we move toward the last days:

Do you understand this message? Believe me, this theme is carried out within the entire body of Scripture.

Our pursuit and acceptance of the truth is what cuts through all other considerations. It is what separates the wheat from the chaff.



Our pursuit and acceptance of the truth is no doubt why Scripture often reminds us that God judges the heart (1 Sam. 16:7, Jer. 17:10, Mt. 5:8). Put another way, God judges our intentions, motives, effort, and what we are about at the deepest, inward levels.

All this can make sense of several things that, on the surface, may seem illogical. For example:

  • How someone who struggles more with sin than another person can be saved just the same.
  • How two people can be saved, despite having completely different levels of understanding about the Bible, the world, and all else.
  • How a person can have greater works than another, though he is unsaved and the one with fewer works is saved.
  • How someone who spends their entire life in “service” to the church can still be condemned at the end.

Do you now understand how all this can be the case? Do you see why this issue—the issue of truth—pierces through the confusion?

Everyone has the ability to either pursue or flee from the truth.

Everyone has the ability to either accept or reject the truth.

These two fundamental realities cut across all other barriers: those of knowledge, intelligence, gender, age, race, nationality, era, and everything else.

This is precisely why all people will be without excuse (Rom. 1:20), and why no one will be able to plead ignorance at the Judgment. No one will get a pass for refusing to search out the truth or for failing to follow it.

No one will be saved or condemned based on factors beyond their control, but only on their pursuit and acceptance of the truth.

Again, this does not mean that those who are saved understand everything there is to understand, nor does it reduce salvation to a matter of knowledge. In fact, this is exactly the opposite of the case I have been making! Salvation is case dependent and assessed on an individual basis, just as Scripture reveals (Rev. 22:12, Mt. 16:27, Rom. 2:6-8).

Each person will be judged according to their desire to know the truth and their obedience in following it.

In an attempt to drive this home one last time, consider the types of things that passionately pursuing and embracing the truth would lead to:

  • The understanding that Jesus is the Messiah, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is the Son of God and our only atonement for sins.
  • A greater knowledge about the evil workings of our world and the depths of its depravity.
  • The desire and ability to search oneself, making every effort to be obedient to Christ.
  • A genuine sense of open-mindedness and a willingness to reform our own views, even changing them when necessary. No doctrine or belief will be held as more sacred than our commitment to the truth.

So much more could be said, but the underlying message in all this should be clear . . .

The truth seeker will be saved.

If this does not challenge you to evaluate your own salvation—hungering to both pursue and embrace the truth in all aspects of your life—then I fear that nothing will. I pray that you will not miss this clear message and the opportunity in front of you.

In closing, remember the very words of our Lord:

(Please check out my corresponding video and consider reading this blog if you found this helpful.)


[1] John 8:31-32, my emphasis.

Nimrod: Man of Mystery (Revealed)

This article is part of a larger project that I am working on. As such, this is a more in-depth read than my usual blogs. This will provide you with a deeper level of information than most anything else that you might read about Nimrod.

In the first section, I discuss the character of Nimrod, his origins, and his dark connection with evil throughout the ages. In part two, I will reveal his role within the very fraternity that presently runs our world.

Believe me, there is far more involved with Nimrod than most of us ever imagined.


Nimrod’s History and Dark Connections

Both the Bible and other historical sources attribute the construction of Babel—the precursor to Babylon—and its tower to a certain earthly leader of the day. His name lives in infamy and, like the thought of Babylon, survives to this day.

This man’s name was Nimrod.

In Scripture, Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah and is described as “the first on earth to be a mighty man” (Gen. 10:8).[1] He is also described as being a “mighty hunter before the Lord” (10:9) which, in the original language, may imply defiance against God.[2] We also read that Nimrod was credited as the chief builder of far more than just Babel:

In essence, Nimrod has been viewed as a larger-than-life figure in the biblical narrative. This may literally be true, as his stature has suggested a lineage back to the Nephilim (the giants of old).

The name “Nimrod,” while being somewhat dubious, is associated with the word “rebel.” Fundamentally, Nimrod was a rebel against God. However, things get far more interesting from there. This name is also possibly associated with Marduk, who was an ancient Mesopotamian god and the patron deity of the city of Babylon. As we will see in the writings of Josephus, this is consistent with everything else that is known about Nimrod. More interesting, it is likely that the Semitic root of this name is connected to Namra-uddu,[3] which was thought to be a star god.

Did someone say, “a star god”?

Where have we heard this before? That’s right: Lucifer is referred to as the “son of the morning” (or literally, “shining one”) in Isaiah 14:12. The “shining one,” as in a star that is also historically connected to the planet Venus. As Benson’s Commentary puts it: “Lucifer is properly a bright star, that ushers in the morning.”[4]

Yet another layer to this is that the so-called “Star of David” is—unbeknownst to most of the sleeping world—a pagan (read, Satanic) symbol that is historically and biblically associated with a god called “Remphan” (or, Rephan). Biblically, this name was first mentioned in Amos 5:26, where most translations render it as “the star of your god.” The Septuagint,[5] however, translated this verse as, “the star of your God Rephan.”

It is no surprise, then, that the Book of Acts later makes the identity of this pagan deity clear to its readers: “You took up the tent of Moloch and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship; and I will send you into exile beyond Babylon” (7:43, my emphasis).

Not only is Nimrod’s existence and treachery evident within Scripture, but it is also verified in the writings of the Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus. Here is a carefully selected passage containing key insights about Nimrod, his role in Babel, and his overall place in Jewish history. While lengthy, rest assured that it is tremendously important:

If you thought that Nimrod was only found within the Bible, you now know differently. The most famous historian of the first century—who is renowned within all of history—described exactly who Nimrod was, and it’s completely consistent with what is revealed in Scripture.


Nimrod: The First Antichrist

Josephus’ words powerfully add to the information we have already evaluated. When combined, all this leads to a very sinister and disturbing conclusion. Nimrod is both historically and etymologically connected to some of the darkest spiritual figures in all ancient history. In fact, Nimrod can be directly connected to Lucifer himself.

Remphan . . . the “star god” . . . the “shining one” . . . all are related to Nimrod.

It was Nimrod who defied God and served as the chief architect of the infamous Tower of Babel. He was instrumental in the building of “. . . Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went into Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah” (Gen. 10:10-12). His work in Babel and its “tower” laid the groundwork for what would become Babylon, and Babylon would go on to symbolize Satan’s dark kingdom made manifest on earth.[7]

In this sense, Nimrod served as the first and highest human representative of Lucifer’s global empire. Are you grasping the magnitude of this observation? If not, let me clearly and emphatically state the essence of the situation.

Nimrod was the first Antichrist figure in history.

Nimrod was an Antichrist before there was the Christ. However, there is even more to this. Nimrod is to this nefarious character what Babylon is to evil empires. Put succinctly, Nimrod is the symbolic embodiment of the Antichrist for all the ages.


Nimrod : Alive and Well

The significance of this horrific figure goes far deeper than what has already been revealed.

Nimrod is not simply a biblical character, or one bound up within Jewish lore. He is no mere “builder” of cities or just another “rebel” against God. Nimrod is even more than the Antichrist of the ancient world and its symbolic figurehead. Shockingly—but also fittingly—Nimrod is the very figure that the Freemasons admire and celebrate as their first Grand Master. That’s right: their first Grand Master. In this sense, he is both the first great Mason and the fraternity’s most important figure.

Worse, the entire system is hidden beneath Christian trappings. Like Lucifer—the god of Freemasonry—the fraternity masquerades in the garments of righteousness. As such, their darkest truths are hidden while their lies are projected.

Part of the “Christian trappings” of Freemasonry can be seen in their assertion that King Solomon, rather than Nimrod, was the first Grand Master.[8] Freemasonry has adopted much from Jewish tradition and consistently uses its characters, structures, and events to camouflage its evil interior. Even sources that attempt to refute Nimrod’s connection to Freemasonry sometimes admit that their “old legendists”—collectively called the “Legend of the Craft”—affirmed his place in their history:

As stated, Freemasonry proper has always held that Nimrod was the fraternity’s first Grand Master.

There is, of course, further evidence of Nimrod’s status within the history and practice of the Masons. In the initiation of the candidate into Freemasonry—called the Apprentice Degree (1st)—candidates take what is called the “Oath of Nimrod.”[10] In this, the candidate pledges an oath that they will not reveal any possible aspect of the innerworkings of the Masonic fraternity to those on the outside. The consequences of doing so are clearly described, as to deter those who might think to break their oath:

In Arcane Schools—“arcane” meaning “mysterious” or “secret”—John Yarker further describes the place that Nimrod holds in Masonic history. First, he reveals that:

Connected to this, Yarker later continues by saying: “For some hundreds of years our (the Freemason’s) Constitutions have asserted that Nimrod was a Grand Master and gave the Masons a Charge which we still follow.”[12] That “charge” they still follow is none other than the Oath of Nimrod.

If we knew nothing else about the Freemasons, this should be enough to see the darkness hiding behind the “world’s oldest, largest, and most charitable fraternity.”[13] They admire—even esteeming him as the first to hold the sacred status of Grand Master—the man whose name lives in infamy: Nimrod.

Yes, the very man who is credited for the construction of the singular evil empire whose treachery stretches into the last days; the figure who led the campaign to erect a tower into the heavens and defy God; the one whose name shares roots with pagan deities and Lucifer himself; the one who is, in effect, the world’s original Antichrist; this is the very same Nimrod who sits atop the grand hierarchy of the fraternity that now runs our world.



It is apparent that there is far more to Nimrod than meets the eye, and much more could be said. Hopefully, the mystery behind the man has now been revealed to you.

Nimrod was the master architect of the first civilizations after the Flood. He was the “chief builder” and the man behind humanity’s greatest primitive effort to usurp its Creator. He is the man whose very name is connected to Lucifer himself.

As such, he not only stands as history’s first Antichrist figure but also as the prototype for those who came after . . . and the one who is yet to come. This is precisely why the Freemasons have historically viewed him as their most central and significant human leader, despite their modern efforts to distance themselves from him.[14]

Now, this very fraternity builds their next city of Babel—their great “Babylon”—complete with a Tower built into the heavens, a plan to rule humanity, and the audacity to defy the Most High once and for all.

But that, dear friends, will have to wait until a later time.

(If you enjoyed this, please see my other materials about the Freemasons and my extensive video that reveals their plan for our world.)


[1] This may also be rendered, “he began to be a mighty man on earth.”

[2] See Barne’s Notes on Genesis 10:9.

[3] See the Brown-Driver-Briggs explanation of “Nimrod” in Strong’s, 5248.

[4] See Benson’s Commentary on Isaiah 14:12-14.

[5] The Septuagint is the earliest extant (surviving) Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament. 

[6] Antiquities of the Jews — Book I. Chapter 4, sections 2-3 (my emphasis).

[7] This is evident in several ways. Ancient Babylon destroyed God’s temple and took the Jews captive into exile in 586 BC. Since then, it became the epitome of all truly wicked empires. Peter referred to Rome as Babylon (1 Pet. 5:13), and Revelation even referred to the final evil empire as “Babylon” (cc. 17-19).

[8] See Universal Co-Masonry’s, “The Legend of Nimrod.”

[9] Ibid.

[10] See Churchward’s The Arcana of Freemasonry, “Candidate Signs of the O.B.”

[11] See Chapter VI, “The Mystic and Hermetic Schools in Christian Times” (182).

[12] Ibid.my emphasis.

[13] This is a common boast of the Masons. See C.S.T.’s “Becoming a Mason,” for an example of this.

[14] See Universal Co-Masonry’s, “The Legend of Nimrod.”

The Narrow Path

Recently, I have been blessed to have numerous conversations with trusted friends and family members about biblical matters. With all that was discussed, one thought kept coming to the forefront and has weighed heavily on my mind. Here it is . . .

Most people will not be saved.

We have a very real problem on our hands within the church today. The preaching, teaching, and belief of many is that salvation is an easy or simple proposition. Yet, when we read Scripture, we clearly see that it isn’t.

One of the biggest culprits of our time is the “easy believe” doctrine of salvation. Using a verse or two—a “proof text,” if you will—to prove the point is often how false teachings arise. In this case, people may quote a text like Romans 10:9 and simply leave it at that:

While Paul’s statement is obviously true, it is not the only thing we must consider. Again, the problem is that, all too often, this text (or another) is used, and we go no further. This is why so much time is spent talking about people who just “got saved,” as though everlasting life is something we can forever secure in an instant.

That is, salvation is reduced to simply accepting the (true) proposition that Jesus is Savior. Just say a prayer or come to the altar and, voilà, the work is done . . . now and forever.

Don’t misunderstand me; coming to repentance and giving your life to God is the first critical step in salvation. But it’s just that: a step. The problem is that, for many professed Christians, there is a failure to recognize that there is a life to be lived thereafter.

A life to be lived, indeed.

As I will describe in this article, salvation is a continuous process . . . and it is anything but easy. In fact—and as the Bible describes things—most people who claim to be saved will not be.

The path of salvation is not wide but is very narrow.


OT Examples of the Narrow Path

There are so many examples that could be mentioned, so let’s focus on just a few.

The events surrounding the Great Flood prove that most people will not be saved. Of all the people living on earth in the days of Noah, we understand that only eight (eight!) of them were found to be worth saving (Gen. 6:9-10, Heb. 11:7).

What does that say about percentages? Very, very few were found to be righteous.

The same thing appears when Abraham pleaded with God to spare the corrupt city of Sodom (Gen. 18). After numerous back and forth efforts, it was revealed that not even ten righteous men could be found! Only Abraham’s nephew, Lot, and his family would be spared (19:15). Infamously, we know that even Lot’s wife “looked back” and was caught up in the destruction (19:26).

Again, very few were righteous.

This same story repeats itself time and time again with the nation of Israel. Whether we are dealing with Korah’s rebellion, God’s initial determination to destroy the entire group (except Moses and Aaron), the generation that was lost in the wilderness wanderings, the exiles into Assyrian/Babylonian captivity, and everything in between, it is evident that few were ever righteous. In fact, the entire period of Judges—like almost every other part of Israel’s history—can be summarized with these grim words:

This is also why the OT continuously speaks about God preserving a “remnant” for His people.

We even read throughout the prophets how the sacrificial assemblies, the priesthood, and the gatherings themselves were often fantastically corrupt. Many Jews were going through the motions of their “faith” but were far from God.

This was made evident by the prophet Amos when he said:

Isaiah went so far as to make this claim, which Jesus later echoed about the Jews of his day:

It’s crystal clear: most people throughout the OT—whether Jewish or not—were not saved. As I will now show, the NT reveals the same thing about our present world.


NT Examples of the Narrow Path

The NT is replete with examples of where salvation cannot be reduced to a mental affirmation or a singular proposition. In fact, the words of Jesus and the apostles unanimously affirm that relatively few will be saved.

Stated in reverse, most will be condemned.

For brevity’s sake, I will simply summarize several places where this is evident. I leave it to your discretion if you wish to read the entirety of the passages.

For starters, Jesus’ Parable of the Sower speaks to this point (Mt. 13:1-9). The “seeds” all fall in one of four places: 1) The Path 2) The Rocky Soil 3) Among the Thorns and 4) The Good Soil.

Of the four possible outcomes, how many of them end up prospering; that is, how many grow to produce a crop (this connotes being saved)? Most readers likely know the answer to this question: one. One in four people go on to be saved and produce a good crop, and that’s including many who began to grow (accepting the word) but then petered out.

While we should not literally view this to mean that exactly 25% of people will be saved, it does affirm that the number is small: much smaller than those who will be condemned.

Elsewhere, Jesus makes this even more clear. In speaking the Parable of the Wedding Feast (Mt. 22:1-14), he describes that many “invitations” will be sent out in preparation for this great event. This is an allusion to Christ’s return and the consummation of his Kingdom on earth (Rev. 19:6-9). Of the vast number of people invited, few came ready for the event.

If this isn’t clear enough, consider Jesus’ words from earlier in the Gospel of Matthew:

Do you now see? Even still, I must mention that this matter goes much deeper.

The NT is equally clear that many who fill our churches are not—and will not be—saved. While we cannot personally judge one’s salvation—though we can judge their fruits (Mt. 7:20)—a hard truth confronts us. Any given day, the number of those who claim to follow Christ is not directly proportional to the number of people who will be saved. Put more plainly, many people falsely believe in their eternal security.

Jesus spoke directly to this, as recorded in Matthew 7:21-23:

In this, we see that salvation stretches beyond one’s outward appearance and ministerial accolades. Matthew Henry’s Commentary summarizes this matter rather effectively:

“Christ here shows that it will not be enough to own him for our Master, only in word and tongue. It is necessary to our happiness that we believe in Christ, that we repent of sin, that we live a holy life, that we love one another. This is his will, even our sanctification.”

This may be one of the most profound mysteries of the faith: that one can—by all outward appearances—be a sincere child of God, while inwardly being a child of Satan.

Perhaps this should not be a surprise though, as even Satan “masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:4). As Paul further revealed, Satan’s followers also masquerade as “servants of righteousness” (11:5). Can you say, religious narcissists?

Words cannot accurately convey the treachery and stealthiness of the Evil One.



There is much more that could be said about this, but I trust that the point has been made.

The Bible is clear, from front to back, that most people walking the earth are not (and will not be) saved. This means that most the world stands condemned. This is exactly why the apostle John revealed the following:

While the children of God remain hidden in Him, most of the world remains under Satanic captivity. This is simply reality, and it comes straight from Jesus and the biblical writers themselves. In all this, we see that the “easy believe” mentality is a heresy that has, is, and will continue to lead many down to the pit.

As Jesus said, each of us must carry our cross and follow after him (Mt. 16:24-26). As Paul said, each of us must “work out (our) own salvation with fear and trembling” (Php. 2:12b). As James said, we must prove our faith by our deeds (2:18).

We must have refined hearts, pure intentions, forgiven transgressions, and a passion to pursue the truth in all we do. If you are not serious about your faith and making Christ your ultimate priority, then now is the time to do so.

Broad is the path that leads to destruction and narrow is the path to life. Few will find it.  

The Signs of Darkness

Satan’s debauchery was on full display during Super Bowl LVIII (58) and, once again, I am here to show you the world we are really living in.

Whether we are talking about the sign of the devil horns, the 666 hand-sign, or just the All-Seeing Eye itself, Lucifer truly was the star of the show. Here, I am going to point out multiple ways this was evident. Afterwards, I am going to show how the Satanic connection runs far deeper than the NFL.

Let’s start with the basic advertising for the Super Bowl. Right there, front and center, we have the All-Seeing Eye.

Does this symbol look familiar? It should. Not only is it also used as the CBS logo, but it is the official logo of Freemasonry and Luciferianism. You may recognize it from the US one dollar bill, and from the world’s largest Freemason ceremony.

Yes, the Eye is ubiquitous across our corrupt world. As I will later reveal, this is the same symbol that is constantly imitated by our celebrities and even our youth.

For now, let’s move on to the stars who were highlighted during the Super Bowl. We can start with Post Malone, who performed “America the Beautiful.” His appearance alone should tip you off to who he is.

In case that didn’t work, see the next two images. Both show him sporting the “devil horns,” and we even get to see the demoniac tongue in the latter.

Meanwhile, Ice Spice was up in a private press box sporting the same devil horns and a marvelous upside-down cross. Indeed, her mimicry of Christ was being blasted to the masses.

Not to worry, at least the midway entertainer was of a higher virtue. Well, maybe not. Observe Usher: Mr. Halftime himself.

All-Seeing Eye

666 hand-sign

What about Taylor Swift? Surely, the (once) self-proclaimed “Christian” superstar isn’t one of them, too? Ahh, but of course she is; they all are.

666 hand-sign


And the All-Seeing Eye

You don’t have to tune in to the biggest sporting event on earth to see this debauchery, either. In our day and age, these symbols can be seen literally everywhere we might venture.

How about a stroll through a department store? Notice that every picture below is either covering the eye or emphasizing it (with a wink).

The poor child has no idea what this means but was clearly told to do it.

Note the 666 hand-sign for good measure.

Now, let’s take a very brief stop at the magazine section . . .

This is a compilation of the many covers one might spot.

Imagine that you paused to scroll through your phone during your day out. Of all the things you might see, perhaps a couple images of old Bruce Willis movies popped up on your social media feed. Guess what they casually revealed? That’s right: the All-Seeing Eye was in charge of the film industry back in the 80’s, too.

In truth, Lucifer was in charge of the industry long before that. Just ask “Norma Jean.”

If you think these are rare examples, then think again. All eras of stage and screen were brought to you by Satan, as I detail here.

The most despicable (and telling) part of all this is that the corruption has trickled down through our societies and has now reached our children. I took these pictures myself at local festivals.

As always, this is just a small sampling of the available images. I have documented many more here and here.


Super Bowl LVIII was nothing special in regard to the Satanic symbols that now haunt our world. However, it certainly provided us with a valuable refresher on the topic.

Our world is completely inundated with the signs of darkness. What I have shown here is an infinitesimally small number of examples within a vast ocean of depravity. I want to remind you that much more can be seen, and I have documented this at great length elsewhere.

If you are able to observe these images but fail to grasp their significance, or if you simply deny the Satanic influence behind them, then I fear there is nothing that could ever wake you up.

The world is not what you think it is, and it’s not run by who you think runs it.

As Scripture has revealed for thousands of years, Lucifer–the “god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4)–runs the show. Never has this been more obvious than it is today. Everywhere we look, his dominion can be seen. Whereas it was once hidden, it is now only hidden in plain sight.

I can only encourage you to explore the other materials I have shown here, and to pay attention to these symbols as you navigate your daily life.

Let this be either your wakeup call or the latest reminder about the dark state of this world and the powers that run it. I pray that you have the eyes to see what is happening, and that you feel the urgency to get your spiritual affairs in order.

Remember, only the Light of Christ can enable you to escape the darkness.

The Days of Noah (2.0)

For most people walking the earth, the world appears to exist much like it always has. Yet, those with “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” recognize that this is simply an illusion born from a spiritual delusion.

When describing the last days, Jesus made a curious reference to a catastrophic event of the distant past: the Great Flood. Christ stated that the end of the age will strongly resemble the days of Noah. Because the world was so rampant with sin—including the existence of the Nephilim—God spared only the righteous Noah and his family (2 Pet. 2:5).

Here is what Jesus revealed about the connection between that time and the world that will exist in the last days:

While the world was so thoroughly corrupt, much of life continued on as it always had. People socialized, married, had families, ate and drank, and simply pursued their own lives as normal.

Meanwhile—and completely unbeknownst to most of the world—society was thoroughly corrupt and was heading toward a divine wipeout.

This, my friends, is exactly where we find ourselves today. We live in the Days of Noah (2.0).

I am going to briefly mention several of the key reasons we can be sure of this—the signs of the times, so to speak—and then drop links to articles I have written on each item. That way, those who want to explore these issues on a deeper level can do so, and those who would rather push through the article can take that route.

The documentation is all here for anyone who wants to pursue it, and it is my hope that you will.

With that said, let’s get to the evidence.


Evidence that the “Flood” is Coming

Let’s begin with something I have railed about since its nefarious inception in 2020: the Covid agenda.

Without question, this was indeed a major sign of our times. In fact, I wrote very early on that this agenda was eerily reminiscent of the “Great Lie” and the associated Delusion that is spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-11. I stand by this view.

The evidence that this was an organized and planned pandemic is abundant. For those who want a deep look at this, see my blog “The Satanic Age Has Arrived.” Here, let me highlight just a few of the incredible realities behind this great global scheme:

  • It was forecasted in a globalist game planning exercise called “Event 201.” This involved the outbreak of a coronavirus and the subsequent reaction that would take place to near perfection, and it occurred only several months before the real outbreak.
  • China—where the virus was created, with the help of our own National Institutes of Health (NIH)—doubled their yearly expenditures on coronavirus testing supplies and equipment between 2018-2019, clearly in anticipation of what was coming. This is a “smoking gun.”
  • Moderna boasted of having its vaccine prepared within two days of the virus’ genome being published. This means, without question, that it had been in the works long beforehand.

These examples are merely the tip of the iceberg. I prove all this—and so much more—in both my book and video, which are both titled “System of the Beast.”

The point is, we live in a time where biological weapons are created and dispersed on a global scale. The control measures that came from this were the main intent and are truly frightening in nature. Again, all this is discussed in the resources mentioned above.

The Disintegration of normative (and healthy) male/female roles and relationships is another key example of where we are, and it has had disastrous consequences.

First time marriages end in divorce nearly half of the time, which is bested by second time marriages which lead to divorce about 67% of the time. Not surprisingly, it continues downhill from there. Third marriages end in divorce about 73% of the time. Incredible.

In all, around 70-80% of divorces are being initiated by women. There are far too many reasons for this to properly detail in this article. In short, we can thank modern feminism for preaching to women that they need to be a “boss” who controls the relationship, always dates above her own value, never settles for anything less than perfection, “lives it up” during her 20’s and early 30s, and just plain “doesn’t need a man” or the responsibilities that come with having a family.

Dating sites have hugely contributed to this mentality, as the “paradox of choice”—the reality that having more options actually makes decisions more difficult—has led many women to believe that the choices are infinite. Since nearly 75% of the people on dating sites like Tinder are men, women often do have seemingly limitless options. This has led to the grandiose notion that women should never settle and that the “perfect” man may be just a swipe away.

Meanwhile, men have increasingly dropped out of the workforce, stopped seeking lifelong partnerships or even dating opportunities, accepted their new role of subservience in relationships, and watched as the top 10% of men—in status, looks, finances, etc.—attract 90% of the women. In other words, most men are left behind and act accordingly. They have either given up or have completely sworn off having meaningful relationships. Many are completely lost and have no purpose.

And did I mention that sex means nothing within our culture, and that “body counts” are simultaneously a source of “accomplishment” and shame?

What a fine mess. I am not picking on either gender, either. Rather, I am simply providing the facts for your consideration.

In all, women strive to be men and men no longer understand the difference. A power struggle ensues in all but a select number of relationships, with even a lot of “lasting relationships” manifesting as nothing more than a business association: largely transactional and done just to keep the family together, or so the finances can stay intact. Things are cast in terms of “settling” rather than celebrating the finding of a wonderful companion.  

No one and nothing is ever “good enough.” The human appetite is insatiable; no hunger can be satisfied, and no thirst quenched. The all-consuming self is the priority, and “I” am the only one who matters. This takes us rather naturally to the next point.  

Narcissism is proving to be the central spiritual problem of our time, and certainly of the last days.

Nearly every trait and statistic previously mentioned is evidence of this reality. As predicted nearly 2,000 years ago, people have become “cold,” “lovers of selves,” having no “natural affection,” and caring solely for themselves (Mt. 24:12, 2 Tim. 3:1-5). Like their master, Satan, narcissists are tearing through our world, constantly devouring all that is good and subverting God’s intentions for humanity.

(I talk about narcissism extensively here, here, and here. Also, I now have a YouTube channel dedicated specifically to the matter and I am uploading several times a week)

Then there is the unavoidable reality that Satan completely controls the power structures of our world.

In large part, this was achieved through the gradual infiltration of international Freemasonry. The Freemasons are in control of the world. They run the media, most institutions of higher learning, our banking systems, our governments, our sports and entertainment, and even our children’s minds.  

At this point, I am not sure how else this can be shown. I have displayed how the “All-Seeing Eye”—the eye of Lucifer—is openly exhibited and worshipped everywhere we look. This has been the primary focus of my efforts over the last several years.

I can only suggest that you take the time to see this in every specific way: entertainment, sports, children’s art, and please, grasp the overall picture by watching my video, System of the Beast.

Freemasonrywhich is Satanism in disguiseruns our world. All of it. I strongly urge you to click on the links I have provided if you are yet to grasp the significance of what I am saying. Also, know that I will never stop shining Christ’s Light onto this great darkness, whatever the cost.

While I am at this, I may as well mention another brutal reality. This is an issue that has not won me many allies, and it never will. So be it; truth is truth.

The current nation of Israel stands as astonishing evidence that Satan has indeed come to fully dominate our world. While most who call themselves conservatives, patriots, evangelicals, or simply Christians, believe that defending Israel is a critical part of upholding their moral obligations, the truth is that they have all been led astray.

You see, even the nation of Israel has been overtaken by Satan’s schemes.

Long ago, John described in Revelation 12 that Jerusalem—yes, the Holy City of the Old Testament—was indeed the Great Harlot who rides upon the Beast. The current nation of Israel was indeed founded by Freemasons and is largely a corrupt group of people who despise Jesus Christ. It is not God’s “chosen nation.” In fact, the New Testament authors detailed that a “true Jew” is now one who has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Finally—and please understand this point—the very symbol that has come to stand for the nation of Israel is indeed Satanic. Yes, believe it or not, the so-called “Star of David” has nothing to do with David or the Old Testament believers and everything to do with paganism, Jewish mysticism, and even witchcraft. Don’t believe me? Read my blog on the matter and see for yourself.


Lost in the Satanic Matrix

Despite what is abundantly obvious—that evil that is hiding in plain sight—most of the world goes on living with their eyes and ears closed. The expression, “La La Land,” comes to mind.

In reality, we are simply living in a Satanically created matrix. Most know nothing about the spiritual battle taking place around them and in their very midst. They are completely oblivious, their eyes fixed upon the rolling chariots while the walls of the Colosseum erode around them.

This, dear friends, is why Jesus’ description of the last days makes perfect sense. As in the days of Noah, the people of the world will carry on as they always have, even though our societies have become a Satanic playground.

On the one hand, the last days are epitomized by a world that is in complete freefall. Truth is lost. Morality is mutilated. Up is down, right is wrong, and black and white are blended—in true Masonic fashion—as to blur the very distinction between the two.

On the other hand, people are walking the earth as though it’s simply “business as usual.” People are marrying, giving in marriage, eating, drinking, and operating as though our world is on an upward trajectory. Nothing to see here; move it along.

Oh, the confusion of blinded souls.



The end will surely come like a flood, just as Jesus told us it would.

It will not end in water, however, but in fiery destruction: a blazing inferno that engulfs all the world, with a heat so hot that even the elements cannot withstand it (2 Pet. 3:10). The end will be swift, and most—yes, most—people on earth will not see it coming. They won’t even suspect that something is looming, or that anything on earth is awry.

So deep is the delusion and their imprisonment within the Satanic matrix that they will even scoff at those who try to alert them to the impending doom (2 Pet. 3:3). Again, just like the days of Noah.  

Understand that, while those around us go about their merry way—believing that they will always have tomorrow, and that today is marked by “progress”—our existence is plagued with chaos. This is the chaos that can only be seen by those with spiritual eyes. Whereas the rest of the world sees advancement, goodness, and a world in order, those with the Spirit see reality: regression, evil, and a world that is ripe for judgment.

We see a world much like the days of Noah, but with new and greater evils. We are living in the Days of Noah (2.0). With all my heart, I implore you to heed this warning.

Climb aboard Christ’s Ark, before the raging waters sweep your world away.

Narcissism in the Last Days

Ever since I came to understand the dark shadow that hangs over our planet (i.e. narcissism), I have written extensively on it. The reason why is simple: narcissism is the greatest behavioral epidemic of our time (and of all world history, for that matter).

Elsewhere, I have discussed other reasons why we should be on high alert and ever mindful that all signs are pointing toward the reality that we are living in the last days. These resources have covered the following things:

  • The 2020 virus agenda and its innumerable implications.
  • The fact that international Freemasonry is the evil force that runs our world.
  • The clear signs that we are now living in the Satanic Age, where Lucifer’s “calling cards” can be seen in every facet of daily life.

I even created an almost 4-hour video showing how the events and organizations of our time are all working together to bring this age to a close.

Friends, please—I pray you—understand where things stand in our world today.

In this article, I wish to elaborate on why the epic explosion in narcissistic individuals is an essential (and predicted) sign that we are living in the last days.


Surrounded by Narcissists

In other articles and videos, I explained the origin of the term “narcissist” and that it can be traced back to the Greek legend of Narcissus. In those same works, I explained the general nature of narcissism and its incredible evils. For this reason, I will not go into all these details. However, I sincerely hope that you become acquainted with this material if you have not already done so.

Indeed, narcissism has always existed on this planet. Satan, the chief Narcissist, has been the “god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4) and the “ruler of this world” (Jn. 14:30) since it was handed to him by our ancestral and spiritual progenitors (Adam and Eve) in the Garden of Eden.

Narcissism has always been here but never has it been so prominent.

Many who study narcissism claim that between 0.5-5% of the population are narcissists, but this number often only refers to those who have been diagnosed with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). However, anyone who understands that narcissism is best understood as a personality type and not a diagnosis can see that narcissism is exploding around us.

Dr. Romani Durvasula—a renowned expert on narcissism, who doesn’t truly view it from a spiritual perspective—has proposed that at least 15-25% of people in the US (and many other places) have enough narcissistic traits to be considered a narcissist. Let me repeat: between one in four and one in five people around you, on average, are high in narcissistic traits.

Stated more plainly, we can consider them to be narcissists.

Though I have no training in psychology whatsoever, this is consistent with my spiritual understanding of the world around me. I, too, have ventured to say that the numbers could be that high (or even higher).

If you doubt the veracity of these numbers, then you really need to do the research and evaluate those in your past, present, and certainly future.


Why so many?

Why is there now such in incredible number of narcissistic people in our world? How can this explosion be explained?

As you might expect, there is no single reason for this. Rather, there are many factors involved. Here, I wish to explain what I believe are the most powerful ones.

The first reason encompasses many things, and it’s easily one of the most important factors involved. I am of course speaking about the rise of the internet. No surprise here, right? In all of human history, never has meeting people and “hooking up” been so easy; not by a landslide. In particular, the eruption of social media sites and dating apps have changed literally everything about the way people communicate, especially in the romantic setting.

Over the last two decades, literally billions of people have created social media and dating app accounts. Facebook, alone, has over 3 billion users—though a fair number are likely bots! Tinder, the world’s most popular dating app, has over 74 million monthly users.

While dating sites are heavily skewed toward women—and I can’t stress enough that men (especially) should not be using them—they provide the potential to talk and meet with others without having to leave your own home. This has had devastating results, and there are countless videos on YouTube proving it.

People do not form solid relationships or connect with most of the people they chat with. In fact, the constant “swiping” through countless profiles has raised expectations to ridiculous levels and fostered the desire to simply date based on appearance alone. People just become a series of pictures, and those who don’t rate high in appearance are essentially D.O.A. on a dating site. Again, this is especially true for men (here’s proof).

This has helped to lead to the notion that everyone is disposable. If so, then it follows that every relationship is also disposable. No one is ever “good enough.” Someone could always be a little better looking, or financially successful, or taller, or kinder, or more charming, or more confident, or . . . or . . . OR! Besides, you never know if that “perfect” person will appear on the next swipe or the next date!

This is not an exaggeration. Our society has bred this mentality in nearly every way. The advent of the dating app has, without question, thrust us much farther down this insidious road.

Not surprisingly, this way of thinking has helped to popularize the “hookup culture,” degraded all sense of morality in relationships, and most definitely helped to normalize divorce. The overall deterioration of our culture is complex, but be sure that social media and dating apps have done more damage than probably anything else.

The second reason I want to mention is also multifaceted and is completely spiritual in nature. This can be summarized in simple terms: Satan has increasing control over this world.

Contrary to what many believe, people are not becoming more “godless” as interest in genuine religion wanes within our society. As I often say, no one—and I repeat, no one—on earth is godless. Rather, all people are under someone’s Lordship and, as the Bible explains things, there are only two options.

Everyone serves one of two masters. We either serve Jesus Christ, or the one who epitomizes the spirit of Antichrist: Satan. We now live in a time when most are serving Satan, whom Paul called the “God of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4) and Jesus himself called the “ruler of this world” (Jn. 14:30). Just as the followers of Christ imitate Christ, the followers of Satan imitate their dark master. Many, many people within our world have taken on the masquerading appearance and the characteristics of Satan.

Chief among these “Satanic Foot Soldiers” are the narcissists. As I have shown, they emulate the Devil’s traits to perfection. To understand Satan is to understand the narcissist, and vice-versa.

You are living in an illusion if you don’t think you are serving a god. Because Satan, the “god of this age,” has established control throughout the world, many are now patterning their lives after the chief Narcissist.

And here is what that looks like.


Narcissism and the Last Days

If the clear explosion of narcissism in our world is surprising to you, understand something else: this was predicted in the Bible.

God, knowing the hearts of men and the certain trajectory of our world, revealed nearly 2,000 years ago that narcissism would be a prominent indication that the end is near. This is not some type of vague prediction that requires textual manipulation or mental gymnastics, either. No, this is as clear as a cloudless day.

In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Paul revealed the following information about humanity leading up to end:

I have underlined the key phases, as they pertain to the topic at hand. However, all these nasty attributes can be ascribed to narcissists.

When describing the events surrounding the end times, Jesus also spoke of this phenomenon, saying:

There is much that could be said, but it can be reduced to its essence. In the last days, most of the world will become self-absorbed, utterly loveless, having no natural affection and no empathy, and will have only a form of false godliness.

This is the essence of narcissism. This is precisely what is so visible within our world today.


It’s high time that we face reality and accept the truth. The world described above—with such large numbers of heinously corrupt people—is the world that is now here. It’s not off in the distance but is here. This is why so many people are now talking about narcissism, and why it’s all over the planet.

Friends, this is not an issue concerning 0.5-5% of the population. This is an issue concerning at least 15-25% of the population, and it’s spreading like a wildfire up a dry hill. Consider another horrific fact: this mean figure of “20%” is only describing those within our society who are heavily narcissistic or have many narcissistic traits. The harsh reality is that another large number of people exhibit a great deal of these traits, even if not to the point where we could identify them as full-blown narcissists.

Yes, narcissism is that prevalent on our planet. Satan’s foot soldiers truly do surround us.

If this is any indication of things, and I fully believe that it is, then we are living in the last days. How long do we have? None of us can say, nor should we be willing to forecast a date. As Jesus simply told us:

Well, I am watching . . . and what I see is an explosion of the very people that are said to fill the earth at the end of the age.

The narcissists are here . . . and so are the last days.

(Please see my YouTube channel to keep up with my videos on narcissism and look at this article if you would like to read more.)

Love and Wrath (Part Two)

In the previous article, I explained how the Bible describes love. If you have not read part one, then I urge you to start there so that the overall context can be understood for this article.

Perhaps the key thing we learned in part one is that God is love. We are not told that “God is judgment,” “God is mercy,” “God is wrath,” or anything of the sort. It is in God’s character to be merciful, to judge, and to pour out wrath at times, but such things do not literally define His character or essence.

However, we are told that love does; “God is love.”

This means that all God’s actions extend from His loving nature. Again, all God’s actions are done out of love. This simply must be kept in mind when considering the events described in the Bible, as well as how God interacts with His people today.

God either answering a prayer, or seemingly ignoring it, are both done out of love.

God raising a just ruler to lead His people was always done out of love.

God judging Israel throughout the OT was done out of love.

God redeeming the world through Jesus was done out of love.

This probably registers with most of us, but it goes a step farther. Believe it or not, God bringing wrath upon the wicked and unrepentant is also done out of love. Yes, even God’s wrath is connected to His love.

Allow me to explain.


Examples of Wrath

The Bible is replete with examples of where God pours His wrath out upon wicked humanity.

This first notable time this was seen was in the destruction of the world through the Great Flood. Humanity had become so corrupt that God had no choice but to wipe the slate clean and start over with the few righteous people who remained:

And wipe out the world—all but Noah and his family—God did.

A similar, but more localized, event transpired later with the obscenely corrupt cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. After several times going back and forth, God finally told Abraham that He would spare the city of Sodom if even ten righteous people could be found there (Gen. 18:32). Since the righteous could nowhere be found, God poured His wrath out upon the cities:

Whenever stubborn groups or individuals threatened God’s overall plan to bring salvation to the world, God poured His wrath out on them. This can be seen in Korah’s rebellion, where a particularly dark and unruly sect attempted to overthrow Moses and Aaron’s ministry (and, by extension, God’s plans). God had no choice but to remove the rotten berries from the rest of the patch:

God even poured His wrath out in the New Testament by striking Ananias and Saphirra—two individuals who attempted to cheat the church and then cover up their deed—killing them on the spot (see Acts 5).  

While many other examples could be mentioned, we must always remember that God has created hell as the ultimate place of punishment for Satan, the demons, and even unrepentant humanity:

Hell serves that the ultimate example of God’s wrath being poured out onto the world. As I have discussed in this blog, hell is a place we should not even wish to contemplate, much less be sentenced to. It is certainly true that God’s wrath flows from his hatred for sin and from His righteousness.

However—and as I will now briefly explain—it also flows from God’s tremendous love.


Wrath from Love

While often missed, it is God’s love that propels Him to take up for His Saints. Just as Revelation provides us with the image of the martyrs crying out to God for justice (Rev. 6:9), we understand that God does and will take up for His people. In fact, it is for this very reason we are told to leave vengeance to the Lord:

Paul even goes on to further explain how this will work. We are to love our enemies and, in doing so, God will avenge those who love Him:

God’s ultimate answer to the persecution of His people is judgment and destruction upon their enemies. God is slow to anger, however, and desires that all truly have a chance to be saved (2 Pet. 3:9). Unfortunately, we know that many will never repent but will continue to do evil. While the wicked will often reap what they sow in this life, we know for certain that they will in the next.

God’s love also means that He will not suffer His good Creation to forever be marred by sin:

Moreover, this is precisely why God is going to create a new heaven and earth!

Even hell—that is, everlasting punishment and estrangement from God—is a necessary realm, in light of God’s love. Strange as it may be to consider, hell will exist in part as a reminder that God will not tolerate sin and wickedness.

Jesus often—at least 11 times—made reference to a flaming garbage dump that once lay outside of Jerusalem—a place he called “Gehenna”—as an example to all of what will come of the unrighteous.

For the eternity, the real “hell” that he was alluding to will serve as a perpetual reminder that sin will not be tolerated.

Hell will not only serve as a testament to the destructive nature of sin and the incredible righteousness of God, but it will also serve as a testament to God’s love: His defining characteristic.

God loves the saints, the angels, and his soon-to-be restored Creation far too much to allow sin to go unpunished.



Contrary to the logic of the world—which is foolishness to God—God’s love necessitates that His wrath exists. God punishes the wicked and destroys sin because of His great love for His children: those who follow Him.

Remember, once more, the fundamental reality that God is love. There is no way to divorce any of God’s actions from His very nature. God’s righteousness and hatred for sin is demonstrated in His wrath. However, so is His love. A God who does not punish those who persecute His people is not a loving God at all.

Think about it.

Do you love your children if you do not come to their defense? Do you allow evil within your home at the expense of your loved ones? God doesn’t. Evil is often—though not always—permitted for a time, but “Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip” (Dt. 32:35a).

With all this in mind, I have often heard skeptics make the following statement: “I can’t believe in a god who would send people to hell.” When you understand what Scripture reveals about God’s nature, as well as the nature of evil, then you might just take the opposite view. When I hear people say they “can’t believe in a god who would send people to hell,” I simply reply:

“I can’t believe in a God who doesn’t.

Praise be to God that we serve a Creator who loves us—and prioritizes us—enough to sacrifice His only begotten Son for our salvation. Likewise, praise be to God that our Creator loves us enough to punish our persecutors.

Finally, praise be to God that Love could never allow sin to remain a permanent fixture of reality.

Love and Wrath: Part One

In my time producing literature, videos, and other Christian resources, I have been confronted with many objections.

When I came out hard against the Covid-19 agenda,[1] some told me that I was disgracing the church and that I would have blood on my hands. When I rejected the view that believers die and “go to heaven” as disembodied souls, I was told that I am a “materialist.” When I have spoken against Freemasonry and the rampant Satanism on display in our world, I am frequently told that I’m paranoid or that I am trying to see the worst in things. These are just a couple examples of many that could be mentioned, but there is a point to get to.

Perhaps the most consistent objection I receive—either from alleged believers or nonbelievers—is that my messages are sometimes not loving enough; “You need to worry more about loving people,” I often hear.

Now, a lot of my readers already understand that this is a baseless objection. They understand that I am by no means hateful or unloving, but that I am a realist. I believe in telling the truth and presenting the facts, even if that is uncomfortable for others or even myself.

All this does bring up an interesting question though. With so many people banging the drum of love, do we even know it means from a spiritual perspective? As the artist Haddaway once asked, What is Love?

In part one of this two-part series, I am going to describe what the biblical concept of love truly is. With that in place, we will be equipped (in part two) to understand what God’s wrath is about and how the two are actually connected.

Let’s start with love.


Understanding Love

Before drawing our own conclusions, it’s always best to allow Scripture to define the terms for us. This will involve looking at passages where the term “love” is used, as well as evaluating the meaning of the original terms being translated.

Scripture plainly states that “God is love” (1 Jn. 4:8b). That is, God perfectly exemplifies and defines what love is. His very character is love, and He displays love in all his actions. His judgment, justice, mercy, redemption and yes, even God’s wrath, are illustrations of His loving nature.

There isn’t a “love part” to God, nor is God’s love seen only in particular actions. All acts of God are acts of love.

1 John 4:7-8 also reveals that one who truly loves is born of God, and those who cannot truly love (like narcissists) are not born of God. Simply put, this means that those lacking in love are indeed children of Satan. Going farther, the next part of the passage reveals something critical to the overall discussion:

If we ever wondered what an act of genuine love—divine love—looks like, we understand that it looks like Jesus. God sending his only Son to take upon himself the sins of the world and lay down his life as a propitiation—that is, God took His wrath out on Jesus instead of sinful humanity—is the ultimate act and example of love. Obviously, this is why John also famously wrote:

Jesus told us: “Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends” (Jn. 15:13). This makes sense, right? God’s ultimate expression of love was to give His Son’s life for the world, and our greatest expression of love would be to give our lives for our friends.

Bear in mind that Jesus said “friends” (philon). That is, “someone dearly loved (prized) in a personal, intimate way; a trusted confidant, held dear in a close bond of personal affection.” He did not say to die for our enemies, though His love is so great that Jesus did that very thing! He died for all (2 Cor. 5:15).

The word for “friend,” used above in John 15:13, leads us to a powerful point and to the meaning of the Greek words themselves. The primary Greek terms that are translated as “love” are agapaó and phileó.

  • The term agapaó means “to love, wish well to, take pleasure in, long for; denotes the love of reason, esteem.”
  • Alternatively, the term phileó connotes the “love (of friendship), to regard with affection, to cherish; and to kiss.”

Both, for example, are displayed when Jesus “reinstated” Peter at the end of John’s Gospel (21:15-17). Twice, Jesus asked Peter if he loves (agapaó) him, and Peter consistently replies that he loves (phileó) Jesus. Notice I said twice for Jesus using the word agapaó. This reveals one of the reasons we know the verbiage mattered. You see, Jesus suddenly changed up his line of questioning the third time. Instead of asking Peter if he loves (agapaó) him, Jesus now asks if he loves (phileó) him. This is something akin to Jesus finally asking Peter: Do you even regard me with affection?

Many commentators see no difference between the terms and assert that the clear contrast in the words meant nothing, but I disagree.

Further, such an obvious difference in word placement would have been impossible to miss for early listeners—since most would only have heard, and not read, the NT writings—and would have been just as obvious to later interpreters.

Lastly, we know there is meaning in these terms because Peter, after the third time being questioned, became elypēthē, meaning “deeply grieved” or “excessively sorrowful.”

So, while Jesus was reinstating Peter, Peter’s position toward Jesus was still lacking (at least, at that time). I explain much more about Jesus and Peter’s relationship in this article, for those interested.

The point is, agapaó and phileó are contrasted in Jesus’ interaction with Peter. The word phileó is, by defintion and usage, something of a “lighter” form of love, and agapaó is being used as the deepest form of love.

It is a form of agapaó (ēgapēsen)[2] that is used in John 3:16. Looking deeper into the term, we see an interesting explanation (from Strong’s). agapaó “preeminently refers to what God prefers as He “is love” (1 Jn 4:8,16). We also see it explained in this way: “a discriminating affection which involves choice and selection.”

This makes sense of the passages we have already seen. Agapaó speaks to what is often called “agapé love,” as the two terms are connected. This form of love is a deeply thought out, strongly preferential form of affection toward another person. Put another way, agapé love means to place another as first importance.

Jesus gave his life for the sins of the world because God placed humanity as first importance. As Jesus said in John 15:13, a person who gives their life for a friend is putting that person as first importance. Jesus was asking Peter if he placed his Lord and Rabbi as first importance, a question that caused Peter to leave in disappointment because he had not done so to that point.

Love is to place others as first importance. This is exactly why Scripture consistently reveals that all the commandments—outside of loving God—can be summed up in this one: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself” (Lev. 19:18, Mt. 22:39, Rom. 13:19).

Can we really say that this is what most of us mean when we throw around the term “love”? Not hardly.


Practical Love

In the previous study, we see the essence of what “love” really means, as the Bible explains things. Love is about prioritizing another above the things of the world or ourselves.

If understood in this way, we can have a better idea of what love is, and also what it is not.

Love is . . .

  • Warning people about the dire consequences of sin.
  • Telling the world that there really is a hell and that, apart from giving our lives to Christ, it will become one’s everlasting residence.
  • Exposing the schemes of Satan and the dark state of the world, in the hopes of leading others to the Light.
  • Being honest with others about biblical truths, even if that means offending them.
  • Being kind, humble, and sensitive in calling out sin and error.
  • Considering others’ needs as being more important than our own, while also understanding that self-care is critical.

Love is not . . .

  • Making excuses for sinful behavior or pretending that sin is not sin.
  • Telling someone that hell isn’t real, or that God will not send them there for habitual disobedience.
  • Ignoring the most important spiritual realities of our time so we can provide theological comfort food to others.
  • Ridiculing, participating in useless bickering, or berating others because they don’t agree with you.
  • Giving up on people quickly, out of laziness or because of a simple offense.
  • Taking endless abuse from someone who does not appreciate you (i.e. becoming a doormat or a punching bag).

For the Christian, these are some of the ways that genuine love plays out. This is how we can practically understand the biblical teachings about the unparalleled and unrivaled term called love.



Indeed, “love” is often very misunderstood.

Perhaps no word has been more compromised, abused, conflated, and simply taken for granted than love. And still, it is the most important of all words. As Paul said, love is the greatest of all things:

Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand—maybe even for the first time—what Paul was really talking about. If we truly grasp the teachings of Scripture and the character of God, then we see that love is truly the greatest and most powerful force in all reality. It is the very explanation of who God is, how we commune with Him, and who we are called to be.

As I describe in part two, love even explains wrath: the wrath of God.

[1] This was one of my earliest articles on the matter, and System of the Beast thoroughly revealed the evil scam that was Covid-19.

[2] This is the aorist, active, indicative, 3rd person singular form of the word. It is past tense to describe that it occurred, but not to suggest that God’s love is not ongoing.

Go and Sin no More

When Jesus encountered a woman who had been caught in adultery—either betraying her husband or fornicating with a married man—he had a decision to make. He could abide by the standards of the Mosaic Law and consent to her being stoned to death, or he could illustrate the grace of God and the heart of what would be the New Covenant.

As we read in John 8:1-11, Jesus chose the latter.

Jesus urged the group of hostile Jewish leaders to check themselves for sin and, if none could be found, to impose the death sentence on the woman. Since none of them were without sin, they could not cast a single stone.

This certainly proved God’s grace toward sinners, but it also reveals something else: that sin is unacceptable. This is the part that is often ignored, to our detriment.

Before letting the woman return to her life, Jesus gave her these famous words of instruction: Go, and from now on sin no more” (8:11b, ESV). Whatever translation we look at, we get the same basic message: the woman was told to return to her life but to leave sin behind for good.

There have always been teachings to the contrary that have crept into the church. As Paul noted in Romans 6:1-2, the idea was present that we should take God’s grace as a license to sin:

Today, we apparently have a very large number of Christian teachers and lay people who have adopted this same mentality. When you boil it down, nearly every excuse for sin can be reduced to the belief that God’s grace can be abused. This is evident in a myriad of ways but allow me to point out a few of the common statements one might hear.

“It’s not about what we do; it’s about what Jesus did.”

“God doesn’t see me; He sees the Cross.”

“Everyone sins; we’re only human!”

“Christians are still sinners; we’re just forgiven sinners.”

The list could go on and on. While there are kernels of truth in statements like these—which is what makes them so devastating—the inevitable take away from them cannot be missed: It is acceptable to continue in sin.

If you really think about it, this is the destination that all these perspectives lead us to. In this article, I want to show many of the concrete examples from Scripture that refute this mentality and, thus, affirm that Christians are called to live holy lives: lives pleasing to God, and apart from continuous sin.


Commands Against a Sinful Lifestyle

For starters, let’s recall Jesus’ statement to the woman who was caught in adultery: “Go, and from now on sin no more” (Jn. 8:11b). Why would Jesus tell the woman to leave her life of sin if it wasn’t expected (or even possible) that she did so? Was Jesus lying to her?

The apostle John made it clear that a lifestyle of sin is not acceptable among those who are “born of God”:

In Galatians, Paul discussed a litany of sinful lifestyles (or patterns) that will cause one to be condemned:

Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians that there are no excuses to commit sin, as God does not allow us to be tempted beyond our own abilities to endure:

James seconded this notion, saying:

In this, we see that sin is avoidable for those who have been born again; it is not, as many teach, something that is just part and parcel of being human.

Far too often are these passages (and others) either ignored or mutilated, to the person’s own peril. Our Satanic society has long excused, or even celebrated, sinful behavior. That’s not surprising, since it is run by “the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4). The alarming thing is that many within the church are doing the same. Little by little, false teachings, feel good theology, and the ever-increasing rise of counterfeit “Christians” have overtaken the hearts of many and given them every reason under the sun to continue in sin.

As previously mentioned, this is done at the peril of many and at great cost.


Sin has Dire Consequences

The “great cost” I am speaking of could not, in fact, be greater. Not only does sin destroy a person’s life, but it can destroy the lives of those around them. God knows this better than we do, which is why sinners have been (and will always be) punished. The OT is chock-full of examples where God destroyed groups or nations—including the Jewish people—for their many sins.

This can be seen in the accounts of the Great Flood (Gen. 7:17-24), Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:1-29), the entire generation of Israelites in the wilderness (Num. 14:29), Korah’s Rebellion (Num. 16:1-40), and in countless other places within the OT.

However, this has not changed because neither God nor sinful humanity has changed. The NT is equally clear in its message that God will punish the unrepentant sinner, whether in this life or the next (in many respects, both).

Let’s recall Ananias and Sapphira, who were struck dead for their sin. Peter explained the reason, just prior to their deaths:

The author of Hebrews laid out the dire seriousness of sin perhaps more emphatically than anyone, saying:

Clearly, a life of continuous sin “tramples underfoot the Son of God.” There no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. Do you see that persisting in a sinful lifestyle will lead to utter destruction?

Sin brought death and devastation into this world, and, because of it, all will die (1 Cor. 15:22a).

Worse, sin will also lead all who do not repent to suffer the “second death” (Rev. 20:14). That is, everlasting destruction in hell. I have written extensively about the nature of hell in this article, so please reference this to understand how dreadful this reality will be.

All this illustrates a critical reality—God hates sin. Let me repeat: God Hates Sin. Any theology or perspective that teaches otherwise is crudely heretical and needs to be thrown down:

If we do not uphold the belief that God despises sin—as Scripture clearly teaches throughout its pages—then we are left with nothing. The entire biblical narrative is predicated, in one way or another, on the certainty that God hates sin and that it must be destroyed.

After all, did Jesus come to save the world from the very problem that God created? As Paul would say, “By no means!” God is not the author of sin, but He certainly is its destroyer.


Go and Sin no More

Notice that I have referred to a “lifestyle” or “pattern” of sin multiple times. Let me be clear about why I have done so.

Anytime we hear about the need to live a life apart from sin—which is increasingly rare these days, hence the need for this article—our alarm bells go off. “Is this person saying that we can never sin? That we can never morally fail, even on occasion?” In short, this is not what I or the scriptures teach. It is certainly possible for even the most committed believers to sin and fall short. However, what cannot be accepted is a lifestyle of continuous sin. What cannot be accepted is an excuse or rationalization to repeat our sins or persist in disobedience.

I believe this is precisely why John recorded the following words:

We are commanded not to sin . . . but if we do . . . we can find forgiveness in Jesus Christ. This is indeed the Good News. This is the very reason why salvation is possible.

However, let’s not forget about the first part: we are commanded not to sin.

The one who continue in sin cannot be holy and, as the author of Hebrews tells us, we must be holy:

As Peter revealed by quoting Leviticus: “You shall be holy, for I am holy” (1 Pet. 1:16). This is why Jesus made the following command: “Therefore you shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt. 5:48).

I could continue, but I trust the point has been made.

In conclusion, all of us who genuinely follow the Lord Jesus Christ and are known by God should understand the task before us.

First, we must stop sinning. There are no two ways about this. If you are a liar, then stop. If you are involved in sexual sin, then stop. If you are a gossiper, slanderer, drunkard, whore or whoremonger, drug addict, and any of the like, then stop. If you display any narcissistic behaviors, then stop!

Yes, this not only can be done but must be done. We must repent (metanoeó)—meaning, to change our minds or “think differently afterwards.” We must think differently about our sinful behavior, such that we go the other direction and leave it behind. This involves taking our sin to Christ—our advocate—in prayer and then working with the Holy Spirit to leave it behind for good.

Second, we cannot teach others that sin is acceptable. As I have shown—and almost entirely through Scripture—sin is clearly not acceptable. It will not be tolerated and will ultimately be destroyed. We must check ourselves and be sure that we have not fallen in with either the world or the many false doctrines that make excuses for sin. Teaching others that sin is acceptable is, itself, most certainly a sin. Such a terrible deed results in a ripple-effect that goes in all directions and affects a great many people. Without question, there will be a price to pay:

The last exhortation I want to leave you with comes with urgency. If you are either stuck in a sinful lifestyle and/or are embracing doctrines that permit such a thing, then make today the day you repent. Repent, change your mind about your beliefs and behaviors, and walk the path of righteousness.

The Satanic Age has fully arrived, and the days are short. Go and sin no more.

Toxic Behavior is a Spiritual Matter

We live in a world defined by excuses.

More than 40 percent of the US population is obese: that is, at least two out of every five people have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of at least 30. With medical and/or drastic genetic factors being reasonably excluded, we make excuses for this startling reality.

“I don’t have time to cook or exercise.” “It’s much easier just to grab something quick most of the time.” “I like the way it tastes.” You name it. While not necessarily classifying as evil, per se, this is certainly a place where excuses are prevalent.

Let’s look at another example, which certainly is evil.

In the US alone, as many as 65 million human beings have been murdered in utero since 1973.[1] People have always aborted their unborn children largely because they don’t believe in the sanctity of life and/or because its “inconvenient” to keep them. Hundreds of thousands of times a year this happens, with virtually all cases being covered by an excuse.

More than that, such acts are not only excused within our dark world but are often celebrated.

However, there may not be anything that is more excused within our societies than bad behavior: toxic behavior, to be exact. As I have explained several times now, toxic personality types—particularly the narcissistic variety—are exploding around us, and they are consistently and increasingly covered with excuses.

While our experiences certainly help to shape our identities and behaviors, they are all too often used to excuse them. Time and time again, children who grew up in the same households—with the same parents, living conditions, environmental conditions, etc.—go on to live different lives than their siblings.

All of us make choices that determine the types of people we will become.

People who grow up in terrible situations can become saints, and people who grow up in loving homes can become the worst sinners. If we are cognitively able, we all make our decisions in life. Much more could be said about this.

However, the main point of this article is to show that toxic behavior is the product of an evil heart condition and not a problem with the brain. Let’s briefly examine my assertion, starting with the brain.


Brain Problems Aren’t the Cause of Evil Behavior

People with traumatic brain injuries don’t plot evil because of it.

Those born with a mental impairment don’t scheme against others because of it.

Individuals do not plot and carry out evil acts because of a brain impairment.

Let’s just take one part of the brainthe frontal lobe—as an example. Damage to the back part can result in weakness or paralysis. Damage to the middle part can make people apathetic, inattentive, and unmotivated; their thinking would become slower and their response time may be very slow. Damage to the middle back part can cause people to have difficulty expressing themselves in words.

There are many other problems that can be associated with brain dysfunction that would alter one’s behavior. Observe the figure below for a more complete analysis of this.

Indeed, these issues can lead to problems that would affect a person’s personality and behavior. However—and really consider this—none of these impairments lead to the types of behaviors exhibited by toxic individuals.

No, having brain impairments cannot explain these behaviors, and we can be sure of that for one primary reason: they don’t account for intent. That is, toxic individuals plot evil and carry out—with forethought and intentionality—the various things they do to others. Those with brain problems do not; they simply act on impulse. They just “do.”

Think about the people you know with brain impairments. Can they act hyper, snippy, overly cheerful, immature, impatient, extremely docile, and many other things? Without question. But ask yourself: do any of them sit back and scheme evil deeds against those around them? No, they do not. Again, they act on impulse.

But before moving on, let me clarify something: individuals with brain problems—so long as they are not extremely severe—can still plot evil. They are, after all, human beings like the rest of us. They can and often will participate in evil acts, particularly if they have not been redeemed by Jesus Christ.

However, they do not do so because of their impairments. They do so because, like the people and examples I will be sharing, their hearts are corrupt, and they may even be acting under the influence of dark entities.


The Evidence of Intent

If I am postulating that brain impairments cannot account for the intent behind evil acts, is there any evidence to support this claim? Are there types of actions that clearly prove the intent that I am speaking of?

Indeed, there certainly are. The behaviors below clearly identify acts of intent—behaviors that cannot be accounted for by brain impairments—and they are present in many toxic individuals. As always, I view narcissism as one of the greatest evils of our time, and these practices are especially prominent in those individuals.

However, they can apply to toxic people of all stripes. Observe the behaviors described below and ask yourself if brain impairments would account for them.

#1: Gaslighting

For those who don’t know, gaslighting occurs when someone creates a scenario for the express purpose of causing another person to doubt his or her own reality. Put another way, it causes the person to question their sanity. Over time, this can wreak havoc on the victim of the abuse.

This can be done in many ways, so I will now describe a few.

These are just a few of the endless examples. Toxic individuals will gaslight their victims frequently, simply to make them question their own reality and disorient them.

#2: Triangulation

Triangulation boils down to what it sounds like: having three people (or things) involved in a given situation, for the purpose of manipulation. This can include more than three, but the bottom line is that the toxic person has brought someone (or something) into your relationship for the very purpose of disrupting you or causing a reaction.

Here are a couple examples.

Toxic people will almost always triangulate their partners, employees, children, or friends with others. There can be no denying the intent involved in doing so.

#3: Devaluation

Devaluation is the practice of tearing another person down through verbal attacks, insults, gaslighting, and even physical tactics. There are so many ways to do this that showing examples seems virtually pointless, and all of us can understand how this works.

Over the course of time, devaluation—in conjunction with some of the other behaviors mentioned here—destroys the victim’s sense of purpose and self-worth. They become shells of their former selves, often ending up subservient to their abuser. This can also create what is called a “trauma-bond,” wherein the victim cannot break away because they come to see their abuser as both their source of pain and the remedy to it.

#4: Wearing a Mask

While this is a hallmark characteristic of narcissists, it can be associated with all manner of toxic individuals. This even includes truly dangerous people, like sociopaths and psychopaths.

When you get down to it, all these are just titles given to describe evil of varying degrees.

However, they typically all share a feature that is best seen by their evil Master: the one who “masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14). They wear a mask. Toxic people are, by nature, several people rolled into one. To strangers, colleagues, and acquaintances, they appear as warm, gregarious, and even kind-hearted people. To those closest to them and behind closed doors, they are often monsters. It’s not uncommon for toxic people to be highly regarded by those on the “outside,” yet feared by those with whom they share their lives.

What could be more intentional than that?


Toxic Behavior is a Spiritual Matter

Many other examples could be mentioned, but these should suffice. In briefly examining the behaviors caused by brain impairments and then evaluating the intentional acts of toxic people, I hope my point is well taken.

Everything involved in this discussion is reducible to one thing: intent.

Those with brain impairments do not plot, scheme, and carry out evil because of their brain impairments. They may do such things (if cognitively able) because of their own evil desires or because of a dark spiritual influence, but not because of their brain condition. In fact, people with brain impairments are often clearly just responding without intentionality or forethought; they simply “do.”

The types of evil displayed by toxic individuals, however, are altogether different. Their behaviors can only be explained by intentionality and forethought. As Psalms 37:12 states:

The conclusions we can draw from this are both obvious and critical; We must stop giving people a pass for wicked behavior. We must stop making excuses for the malicious acts of toxic individuals.

Friends, these are spiritual matters. In our present time, most everything being classified as “personality disorders” are being misidentified for what they truly are: “spiritual disorders.” Evil people can be seen by the rotten fruit they produce.

Furthermore, there are demonic entities roaming our world and causing the maliciousness we see and experience around us. Toxic people—particularly narcissists along the entire spectrum—are Satan’s foot soldiers.

Be constantly on your guard and test all spirits. Your physical and spiritual well-being will depend upon it.

Narcissists: Satan’s Foot Soldiers

A Christian Perspective on Narcissism

Possession or Mental Disorder?

[1] 1973 is significant because it was the year that Roe v. Wade was decided, and the Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution protected the right to have an abortion. See the link here for the statistics. https://christianliferesources.com/2021/01/19/u-s-abortion-statistics-by-year-1973-current/