The Satanic Age has Arrived

There are so many ways that we can be sure of what is happening around us. The darkness is growing right before our eyes. What was once a stiff breeze has become a hurricane; the steady rain has turned into a monsoon.

Our world has been taken fully captive by the one who took humanity captive from the beginning: Satan.

While I am always providing examples of this reality, allow me to provide several especially potent ones for you here.


The Covid Lie and Global Governance

Perhaps the greatest example is where we should begin. Without question—and in no uncertain terms—there is now a global system of governance in place. Yes, global. I have created an almost four-hour video on the matter and, despite its length, I strongly urge you to take the time to watch it. It explains the entire web that Satan has weaved here at the end of our age.

If anyone wondered whether a global system of governance had been taking form in our world, this issue was settled in 2020 with the greatest Lie of our time (if not all time).

What “Lie” am I referring to? Well, recall that I said 2020. I am of course speaking about the “surprise outbreak” of a virus we experienced. The Covid-19 agenda was planned. I assure you of that. It had been in the works for many years. This can be seen in several ways, but here are a few.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security—in conjunction with the World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—game planned an event that looked eerily like the Covid-19 outbreak, and they did it just months before the real thing occurred. To be more precise, Event 201 occurred right when the virus was spreading around the globe. They explained their simulation in the following way:

This simulation was impeccably similar to the Covid-19 crisis that “officially” hit the planet in the late winter of 2020. Here are some of the highlights:

  • The surprise outbreak of a novel coronavirus occurred in swine and was called “CAPS.”
  • It produced a respiratory virus, with symptoms ranging from “mild, flu-like symptoms” to “severe pneumonia.”
  • It began in South America but spread around much of the globe in just three months, mainly via air travel.
  • Many were believed to spread the virus “asymptomatically,” without even knowing they had it.
  • The only proposed treatment was a vaccine that would need to be whipped up at lightning speed.
  • They even did faux polling of the public, which revealed that a large portion of the population would take the vaccine “even if it’s experimental.”

If you know anything about the Covid-19 outbreak, then you are likely picking your jaw up from the floor. This checks every major box; every one of these factors involving “CAPS” sounds almost exactly like what really happened with Covid-19.

If you simply replace “swine” with “bats” and “South America” with “China,” you literally have an identical situation.

We have a coronavirus that mostly spread asymptomatically (how absurd), which supposedly arose organically from animals, began in one location and spread around the globe in a few months, resulted in anything from no symptoms to death, could only be cured by a vaccine that would be created at something akin to “Warp Speed,” and would be taken by the public even though its “experimental.”

Does any of that sound familiar? Absolutely incredible, right?

(If you doubt what I am telling you, see Event 201 for yourself here. Somehow, it is still online for public consideration.)

Building onto this, the “vaccine” agenda was apparent from the onset of the crisis. As soon as the virus dropped, so did the press for a vaccine. Moderna boasted of having their injection prepared within two days of the virus’ genome being published. Two days! Further, the shots became available to the public roughly nine months after they were created. Before Covid-19, it took a decade (plus or minus) to put a vaccine through all the appropriate trials and safety processes. When this virus arrived, however, it could all be done almost instantaneously: again, at “Warp Speed.”

Lastly, the entire globe was on the same page the very minute the virus dropped. Well, I should say, the very minute the global elites said “Go!” As mentioned, the virus was spreading long before they told us about it. In fact, we know that it was indeed spreading in Europe and other places by late-summer of 2019.

Further, we also know that China mysteriously doubled their yearly expenditures on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing supplies and related equipment between 2018-2019. This is what we call a “smoking gun.”

(I cover all this and more in my book, System of the Beast.)

The March 2020 kickoff was not the beginning of the spread, but simply the moment “they” chose to launch their plan. Believe it.

Getting back to the main point . . .  all at once, virtually every world leader called for lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates, and complete obedience to the government. Like dominoes, everyone fell in line.

Just. Like. That.

Such a thing would have been completely unthinkable at any time in the past. Now—thanks largely to the manufactured Covid crisis—global governance is here and can/will be imposed at the drop of a hat. Just wait and see what they have in store for us next. Even as I write this, the talk of ramping back up on virus measures has resumed. Whether they give Covid another go or whip up the next virus—which, as I have shown, they already promised to do—they will return to this playbook at some point in time. In my opinion, very soon.

This is just one example—albeit an extremely powerful one—that proves my larger point. We now have a system of global governance. It’s not a project of the future; the “New World Order” is here.

More appropriately, the System of the Beast is here.

Organizations like the WHO, the UN, the Central Banking Cabal and, of course, the Freemasonic enterprise that secretly runs it all, now have complete control over our world. This means that the evil forces in the spiritual realm—which are the ones who are actually running our leaders and governments—own our world. Yes, the world is under Satanic control.

It always has been in a sense, but it has never been nearly so obvious.


The Public Display of Satanic Allegiance

I have detailed this evil phenomenon for several years now, so please see the blogs listed on this footnote if you wish to do a deep dive.[1]

The photos below, however, prove beyond a shadow of a doubt where we are with things. Though stardom and political clout has long required an oath to Satan—through Freemasonry, typically—those involved often kept their allegiance to the darkness under wraps. In fact, they often hailed Satan behind closed doors while singing the praises of Jesus publicly.

Now, however, all that has changed. People no longer need to hide behind the cross or any other object. Since Satan completely runs the show, they can (and do) pay homage to the Dark lord publicly for all the world to see.

First, just observe some of our favorite celebrities. I assure you that nearly every celebrity is part of the Masonic/Satanic enterprise, and images can easily be found on all of them.

This doesn’t simply apply to stars of stage, screen or music, either. No, no. Now, we can see the biggest athletes of our time showing their allegiance to Satan. As expected, it’s all done right in front of our faces . . . and no one seems to care. Observe the following examples.

All these images pay tribute to the all-seeing eye by either emphasizing one eye or doing the 666 hand-sign (or both).

If you are not yet appalled—and highly alarmed—then perhaps my final illustration can evoke this feeling. If I could offer you only one piece of evidence that the Satanic Age is here, this would be it. The most telling way to understand if an idea or fad has truly taken root in the world is to look at our children; has it (whatever “it” is) saturated society to the point that our children our now on board? Have they been idolizing the concept, obsessing over it, and imitating it?

In the case of the symbols I provided above—all of which clearly pay homage to Satan—the answer is a resounding yes. My usual readers have seen these images, but we can all benefit by viewing them again. I took these pictures at a festival near my hometown over the last two years. The artists were k-12 students from various grades and schools.

If you can ignore this “artwork,” then please grab your pillow and proceed back to your endless slumber. It doesn’t get any clearer than this.

Indeed, even many of our beloved children—through their obsession with our Satanic stars of stage and screen—are hand-crafting idols to Lucifer. If this doesn’t awaken you from your slumber, then neither will the voice of the archangel at Christ’s return.

Rest assured that this is all tied to how Freemasonry has overtaken our world. Freemasonry is Satanism in disguise, and it is the driving force of nearly every evil we are seeing. If you doubt this, then I urge you to really watch this video.

There is no denying it: The Satanic Age is here.


The Apostate Church

I will only briefly mention this one because 1) It is too relevant not to and 2) I have written an entire article on this already that goes into more detail.

The biblical authors prophesied of a time when the church would fall into decay and become largely corrupt: a shell of itself and a weapon of the enemy.

Friends, all this is also now occurring. All of it.

Most church leaders are not only feckless but heretical. Most pews are filled with Sunday-only believers or outright frauds. It truly pains me to say that, but it’s just reality. As previously stated, the Bible confirms this.

At this point, the church is in freefall. There are two churches now: one that is completely corrupt and one that is the true Bride of Christ. The former, unfortunately, has far more members than the latter.

Only a remnant remains.



With all this being said, I didn’t even mention another major signal of our times—the undeniable increase in toxic behavior, particularly narcissism. If you have been following my work, you know I have spent significant time recently describing these Satanic foot soldiers who literally all run their schemes out of one evil playbook. I don’t need to tell you who drew up the plays, do I?

But let me cut to the chase and close this out.

As I have clearly shown, the all-seeing eye is all around us. It’s literally everywhere you look. Do you understand what this means? Do you truly comprehend the significance?

In no uncertain terms, this reveals that the Satanic Age has arrived.

Bit by ugly bit, Satan has engulfed the world from the top down. He overtook our governments, our institutions of “higher learning,” our world leaders, our celebrities, musicians and athletes, and every other significant group on the planet. As you should now understand, it’s even worse than that.

The evil has slowly trickled down through the many tiers of our society and has come to reach its final audience: our children.

Further, none of those under Satan’s ownership even try to hide it anymore; they don’t need to. Our world has become so corrupt that one can thank Satan on the public stage, flash the 666 hand sign, and then proceed to strut off in their Masonic regalia, completely unbeknownst to most of the world.

Satanic allegiance has gone from hidden to hidden in plain sight.

Yes, friends . . . the Satanic Age has arrived. The sooner we understand this, the sooner we can do the only thing that will shield us from the “god of this world” and the destruction awaiting him and his followers.

That is, we must hide ourselves in Jesus Christ. If you haven’t made that commitment, then I cannot more strongly suggest that you do so today.

This is for all the marbles; everything hinges on this decision. And, clearly, the time is short.


[1] See the following videos, which clearly display the evils of the Masonic/Satanic enterprise at work in our world. Here, here, and here.

Author: Brian M. Rossiter

I am a Christian teacher, author, and lecturer. Most importantly, I am a truth-seeker. My research has led me to both believe in and defend the veracity of the Bible, evaluating my own personal views in light of its teachings along the way. In addition to my blogs, I have written several books: "The Death Myth," "God Made the Aliens," "Spiritual Things," and most recently, "Missing Verses: 15 Beliefs the Bible Doesn't Teach." My hope in these endeavors is to give skeptics reasons to believe, to strengthen the faith of those who already do, and to challenge each of us to truly evaluate our own worldviews.

9 thoughts on “The Satanic Age has Arrived”

  1. In light of events during the past 15 years, and most especially over the last 4 years, it would be extremely hard (if not impossible) to argue against the claim that we are in “The Satanic Age”. That said, I still believe that much worse is yet to come. IOW, as bad as things are, I think this is merely a precursor – an introduction of sorts – of what it’ll be like when we enter the full-fledged Satanic Age. I think that’ll occur when the universal digital ID and digital Financial systems become a reality – something that is rapidly materializing right now around the globe. Eliminate the vanishingly-few rights and freedoms remaining, and that’s what the mature Satanic Age will be – a universal, inescapable Totalitarian society, an Orwellian world on steroids.


  2. Brian, In light of events during the past 15 years, and most especially over the last 4 years, it would be extremely hard (if not impossible) to argue against the claim that we are in “The Satanic Age”. That said, I still believe that much worse is yet to come. IOW, as bad as things are, I think this is merely a precursor – an introduction of sorts – of what it’ll be like when we enter the full-fledged Satanic Age. I think that’ll occur when the universal digital ID and digital Financial systems become a reality – something that is rapidly materializing right now around the globe. Eliminate the vanishingly-few rights and freedoms remaining, and that’s what the mature Satanic Age will be – a universal, inescapable Totalitarian society, an Orwellian world on steroids. Jorge **********************************************************


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