Nimrod: Man of Mystery (Revealed)

This article is part of a larger project that I am working on. As such, this is a more in-depth read than my usual blogs. This will provide you with a deeper level of information than most anything else that you might read about Nimrod.

In the first section, I discuss the character of Nimrod, his origins, and his dark connection with evil throughout the ages. In part two, I will reveal his role within the very fraternity that presently runs our world.

Believe me, there is far more involved with Nimrod than most of us ever imagined.


Nimrod’s History and Dark Connections

Both the Bible and other historical sources attribute the construction of Babel—the precursor to Babylon—and its tower to a certain earthly leader of the day. His name lives in infamy and, like the thought of Babylon, survives to this day.

This man’s name was Nimrod.

In Scripture, Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah and is described as “the first on earth to be a mighty man” (Gen. 10:8).[1] He is also described as being a “mighty hunter before the Lord” (10:9) which, in the original language, may imply defiance against God.[2] We also read that Nimrod was credited as the chief builder of far more than just Babel:

In essence, Nimrod has been viewed as a larger-than-life figure in the biblical narrative. This may literally be true, as his stature has suggested a lineage back to the Nephilim (the giants of old).

The name “Nimrod,” while being somewhat dubious, is associated with the word “rebel.” Fundamentally, Nimrod was a rebel against God. However, things get far more interesting from there. This name is also possibly associated with Marduk, who was an ancient Mesopotamian god and the patron deity of the city of Babylon. As we will see in the writings of Josephus, this is consistent with everything else that is known about Nimrod. More interesting, it is likely that the Semitic root of this name is connected to Namra-uddu,[3] which was thought to be a star god.

Did someone say, “a star god”?

Where have we heard this before? That’s right: Lucifer is referred to as the “son of the morning” (or literally, “shining one”) in Isaiah 14:12. The “shining one,” as in a star that is also historically connected to the planet Venus. As Benson’s Commentary puts it: “Lucifer is properly a bright star, that ushers in the morning.”[4]

Yet another layer to this is that the so-called “Star of David” is—unbeknownst to most of the sleeping world—a pagan (read, Satanic) symbol that is historically and biblically associated with a god called “Remphan” (or, Rephan). Biblically, this name was first mentioned in Amos 5:26, where most translations render it as “the star of your god.” The Septuagint,[5] however, translated this verse as, “the star of your God Rephan.”

It is no surprise, then, that the Book of Acts later makes the identity of this pagan deity clear to its readers: “You took up the tent of Moloch and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship; and I will send you into exile beyond Babylon” (7:43, my emphasis).

Not only is Nimrod’s existence and treachery evident within Scripture, but it is also verified in the writings of the Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus. Here is a carefully selected passage containing key insights about Nimrod, his role in Babel, and his overall place in Jewish history. While lengthy, rest assured that it is tremendously important:

If you thought that Nimrod was only found within the Bible, you now know differently. The most famous historian of the first century—who is renowned within all of history—described exactly who Nimrod was, and it’s completely consistent with what is revealed in Scripture.


Nimrod: The First Antichrist

Josephus’ words powerfully add to the information we have already evaluated. When combined, all this leads to a very sinister and disturbing conclusion. Nimrod is both historically and etymologically connected to some of the darkest spiritual figures in all ancient history. In fact, Nimrod can be directly connected to Lucifer himself.

Remphan . . . the “star god” . . . the “shining one” . . . all are related to Nimrod.

It was Nimrod who defied God and served as the chief architect of the infamous Tower of Babel. He was instrumental in the building of “. . . Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went into Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah” (Gen. 10:10-12). His work in Babel and its “tower” laid the groundwork for what would become Babylon, and Babylon would go on to symbolize Satan’s dark kingdom made manifest on earth.[7]

In this sense, Nimrod served as the first and highest human representative of Lucifer’s global empire. Are you grasping the magnitude of this observation? If not, let me clearly and emphatically state the essence of the situation.

Nimrod was the first Antichrist figure in history.

Nimrod was an Antichrist before there was the Christ. However, there is even more to this. Nimrod is to this nefarious character what Babylon is to evil empires. Put succinctly, Nimrod is the symbolic embodiment of the Antichrist for all the ages.


Nimrod : Alive and Well

The significance of this horrific figure goes far deeper than what has already been revealed.

Nimrod is not simply a biblical character, or one bound up within Jewish lore. He is no mere “builder” of cities or just another “rebel” against God. Nimrod is even more than the Antichrist of the ancient world and its symbolic figurehead. Shockingly—but also fittingly—Nimrod is the very figure that the Freemasons admire and celebrate as their first Grand Master. That’s right: their first Grand Master. In this sense, he is both the first great Mason and the fraternity’s most important figure.

Worse, the entire system is hidden beneath Christian trappings. Like Lucifer—the god of Freemasonry—the fraternity masquerades in the garments of righteousness. As such, their darkest truths are hidden while their lies are projected.

Part of the “Christian trappings” of Freemasonry can be seen in their assertion that King Solomon, rather than Nimrod, was the first Grand Master.[8] Freemasonry has adopted much from Jewish tradition and consistently uses its characters, structures, and events to camouflage its evil interior. Even sources that attempt to refute Nimrod’s connection to Freemasonry sometimes admit that their “old legendists”—collectively called the “Legend of the Craft”—affirmed his place in their history:

As stated, Freemasonry proper has always held that Nimrod was the fraternity’s first Grand Master.

There is, of course, further evidence of Nimrod’s status within the history and practice of the Masons. In the initiation of the candidate into Freemasonry—called the Apprentice Degree (1st)—candidates take what is called the “Oath of Nimrod.”[10] In this, the candidate pledges an oath that they will not reveal any possible aspect of the innerworkings of the Masonic fraternity to those on the outside. The consequences of doing so are clearly described, as to deter those who might think to break their oath:

In Arcane Schools—“arcane” meaning “mysterious” or “secret”—John Yarker further describes the place that Nimrod holds in Masonic history. First, he reveals that:

Connected to this, Yarker later continues by saying: “For some hundreds of years our (the Freemason’s) Constitutions have asserted that Nimrod was a Grand Master and gave the Masons a Charge which we still follow.”[12] That “charge” they still follow is none other than the Oath of Nimrod.

If we knew nothing else about the Freemasons, this should be enough to see the darkness hiding behind the “world’s oldest, largest, and most charitable fraternity.”[13] They admire—even esteeming him as the first to hold the sacred status of Grand Master—the man whose name lives in infamy: Nimrod.

Yes, the very man who is credited for the construction of the singular evil empire whose treachery stretches into the last days; the figure who led the campaign to erect a tower into the heavens and defy God; the one whose name shares roots with pagan deities and Lucifer himself; the one who is, in effect, the world’s original Antichrist; this is the very same Nimrod who sits atop the grand hierarchy of the fraternity that now runs our world.



It is apparent that there is far more to Nimrod than meets the eye, and much more could be said. Hopefully, the mystery behind the man has now been revealed to you.

Nimrod was the master architect of the first civilizations after the Flood. He was the “chief builder” and the man behind humanity’s greatest primitive effort to usurp its Creator. He is the man whose very name is connected to Lucifer himself.

As such, he not only stands as history’s first Antichrist figure but also as the prototype for those who came after . . . and the one who is yet to come. This is precisely why the Freemasons have historically viewed him as their most central and significant human leader, despite their modern efforts to distance themselves from him.[14]

Now, this very fraternity builds their next city of Babel—their great “Babylon”—complete with a Tower built into the heavens, a plan to rule humanity, and the audacity to defy the Most High once and for all.

But that, dear friends, will have to wait until a later time.

(If you enjoyed this, please see my other materials about the Freemasons and my extensive video that reveals their plan for our world.)


[1] This may also be rendered, “he began to be a mighty man on earth.”

[2] See Barne’s Notes on Genesis 10:9.

[3] See the Brown-Driver-Briggs explanation of “Nimrod” in Strong’s, 5248.

[4] See Benson’s Commentary on Isaiah 14:12-14.

[5] The Septuagint is the earliest extant (surviving) Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament. 

[6] Antiquities of the Jews — Book I. Chapter 4, sections 2-3 (my emphasis).

[7] This is evident in several ways. Ancient Babylon destroyed God’s temple and took the Jews captive into exile in 586 BC. Since then, it became the epitome of all truly wicked empires. Peter referred to Rome as Babylon (1 Pet. 5:13), and Revelation even referred to the final evil empire as “Babylon” (cc. 17-19).

[8] See Universal Co-Masonry’s, “The Legend of Nimrod.”

[9] Ibid.

[10] See Churchward’s The Arcana of Freemasonry, “Candidate Signs of the O.B.”

[11] See Chapter VI, “The Mystic and Hermetic Schools in Christian Times” (182).

[12] emphasis.

[13] This is a common boast of the Masons. See C.S.T.’s “Becoming a Mason,” for an example of this.

[14] See Universal Co-Masonry’s, “The Legend of Nimrod.”