What Part do WE Play in Salvation?

It has become glaringly obvious that, in our time, there are many false teachings about salvation.

I am increasingly seeing pastors, professors and lay people espousing that salvation comes by belief in Jesus without respect to our own obedience. In fact, the idea that we must believe in Jesus and follow him has been called “Lordship salvation,” or other derogative terms.

Here is a prime example.

In light of this, I have put together a video describing what part we play in salvation. Along the way, I describe why this has been so misunderstood and why our own obedience is imperative.

For the full scoop, please see my video on YouTube: What Part do WE Play in Salvation.

Author: Brian M. Rossiter

I am a Christian teacher, author, and lecturer. Most importantly, I am a truth-seeker. My research has led me to both believe in and defend the veracity of the Bible, evaluating my own personal views in light of its teachings along the way. In addition to my blogs, I have written several books: "The Death Myth," "God Made the Aliens," "Spiritual Things," and most recently, "Missing Verses: 15 Beliefs the Bible Doesn't Teach." My hope in these endeavors is to give skeptics reasons to believe, to strengthen the faith of those who already do, and to challenge each of us to truly evaluate our own worldviews.

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